Monday, February 16, 2009

Divorce fair to take place in Warsaw

This weekend Poland’s capital is to host a ‘divorce fair’ aimed at helping couples untie the knot as painlessly as possible.

Some 30 exhibitors, including private detectives, lawyers, sexologists and even companies conducting DNA tests, are to present their services at the fair.

The idea of divorce fairs is new in Poland and it comes from Austria, where they are held under the banner of A new beginning. In Poland the first event of this kind was held in the western city of Wroclaw in September.

The thematic scope of the fair is an answer to the current ‘market demand’, claim the advertising experts.

And ‘market’ demand in Poland is growing pretty fast. According to data of the Central Statistical Office (GUS), every third marriage in Poland ends in divorce. In 2007 as many as 65,000 married couples split up, which is 20,000 more that ten years ago.