Sunday, April 27, 2008

Police:Polish priest was naked

TWO pairs of undies were among the items shown to police during the obscene exposure hearing of a Polish priest.

The Rev Father Wieslaw Pawlowski, 40, has pleaded not guilty to sunbaking naked in Miller Park one Saturday morning last September.

Defence barrister Geoffrey Foster showed a pair of white briefs and a grey pair of G-string briefs to Constable Gregory Hollingworth in Liverpool Court on Monday.

Mr Foster suggested Father Pawlowski was wearing the G-string and sunbaking under the cover of long grass.

Constable Hollingworth said Father Pawlowski ``appeared to be naked'' and hurriedly put on a pair of white underwear as he and another officer approached.

He denied Father Pawlowski was hidden by tall grass and said Father Pawlowski was sunbaking on a banana lounge on cut grass.

During the arrest, one of the officers asked Father Pawlowski why he was sunbaking and he allegedly replied: ``The sun is good for my skin. I have to sunbake to stay healthy.''

As well as arguing that he was wearing the G-string, Father Pawlowski's defence is expected to include evidence that he needs to sunbake regularly to receive adequate levels of vitamin D.

The prosecution case will continue before magistrate Janet Wahlquist in September.